Daughters sell off their birthright!!!
If it sleeps with the enemy, acts like enemy,
talks like the enemy.... It IS the enemy!
talks like the enemy.... It IS the enemy!
From: georgiaflagger@joimail.com
Well y'all,
Hell has finally froze over!
Today, March 10th, 2012, glaciers have officially replaced flames in Hell.
The United Daughters of the Confederacy National Headquarters in Richmond have become ALLIED with the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in their OPPOSITION to the RESTORATION of the BATTLEFLAGS on the CONFEDERATE WAR MEMORIAL CHAPEL.
FIRST the UDC HQ has said to USE A BATTLEFLAG is POLITICAL and they would not SUPPORT any efforts that included using a BATTLEFLAG to help the CHAPEL issue because the 501c3 tax status is MORE IMPORTANT than our ANCESTORS!
TODAY the UDC HQ called the Richmond Police to REMOVE the VIRGINIA FLAGGERS who have been successfully Flagging the VMFA to restore the BATTLEFLAGS for the past 6 months AND LIED TO THE OFFICERS to get them to respond!
I was present at the scene as it happened. The GUILTY are UDC President Martha Van Schaick and UDC Secretary of the Board of Trustees Mrs. Lucy Steele.
TOGETHER, the UDC and the VMFA stand PROUD against the CHAPEL, and against our ANCESTORS! ~ Billy Bearden
UDC President Martha Van Schaick and UDC Secretary of the Board of Trustees Mrs. Lucy Steele, sell out their birthright!!
When the Guardians Embrace Treason, What Then!?
Contact the scallywags'!:
President General
Martha Rogers Van Schaick (Mrs. Edward E., Jr.)
3011 Highway 357
Lyman, SC 29365-9736
Phone: (864)879-4144
E-mail: president@hqudc.org
Vice President General
Ruth Caviness Allbritton (Mrs. Elwyn)
PO Box 38
Blue Mountain, MS 38610-0038
Phone: (662)685-4907 FAX: 662-538-0003 ATT: Ruth
E-mail: southernlass@hughes.net
2nd Vice President General
Faye Whitfield Neville (Mrs. Paul C.)
PO Box 6
Townsville, NC 27584-0006
Phone: (252) 738-2340
E-mail: fneville@hughes.net
3rd Vice President General
Janet Johnson (Mrs. David)
9319 Brunswick Rd.
Millington, TN 38053-4939
Phone: (901) 829-4495
E-mail: djzoner@hotmail.com
United Daughters of the Confederacy?????!!!!
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